"Hurry! Quick! Take my picture!"
Here I am with Devo co-founder and lead singer Mark Mothersbaugh.
I'm supposed to be doing hand gestures from Devo's "Freedom of Choice" video . . .

And here I am with two more guys from Devo: Robert Casale (Bob 2) and Mark's brother, Robert Mothersbaugh (Bob 1).
My buddy, the Devolved Reverend Paul K. (center, visiting from Australia), looks especially pleased: this photo was shot inside legendary Mutato Muzika, Devo's recording and production studio.
For spuds like us, it was as if we had infiltrated the Halls of Devonia!
To continue the Devo theme . . .

From left-to-right:
My friend and co-worker, Anne (as "vampire's victim"); me (in Devo gear); and director Tim Burton ("Batman," "Big Fish," and many other hits); with a little bit of his then-girlfriend Lisa Marie visible to his right.
Tim Burton was promoting the children's book version of "The Nightmare Before Christmas," for which he provided the illustrations.
It was "Tim's" idea to take a spud from the buffet table behind us, and hold it up for the camera--always the director.

This is me with Fabio, signing his novel, "Pirate," at Vroman's Bookstore.
He's credited as "author," but it was actually ghost-written, based on his plot and suggestions.
Make all the jokes you want, but Fabio is actually a very nice guy, who graciously accommodated a horde of screaming (mostly female) fans.

Here's Fabio thinking that my handshake is so weak, he can't believe it's not butter!
Vroman's Bookstore has hosted book signings by members of the Old Hollywood elite: stars like Lauren Bacall, Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis, and Ginger Rogers . . .

. . . But none of those stars ever carried "The Ten Commandments," or visited the "Planet of the Apes."
(That's me with Charlton Heston, by the way.)
Vroman's has also been the place for the public to meet people like former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, astronaut and Senator John Glenn, and even Dr. Seuss.
But the Vroman's record for the largest, most-crowded, and craziest event is held by this man:

With less than 24 hours' promotion, people started showing up at noon the day before, prepared to sleep in the parking lot overnight, for an event that would begin the following morning.
We lost count of how many people made it through the line, but it was in the thousands, and Howard Stern stayed for at least six hours to sign everyone's books.

He also brought some of his usual hangers-on, like Jessica Hahn.

And here I am with the man who published Jessica Hahn's Playboy spread: Mr. Hugh Hefner.
(Devo fans: Note the ultra-rare "Shout" shirt I'm wearing.)
Moving on to the San Diego Comic Convention, which has always been a great place to meet favorite characters . . .

Me with Ultraman, who was there to promote the Aussie-produced "Ultraman: Towards the Future".
" Shwaa !"

Me with Catwoman and Batman from "Batman: The Animated Series."

That's me, with "Marilyn Monroe."
I'm trying very hard not to act like a wolf from a Tex Avery cartoon.

"Now that's a MAN-tra!"
Seriously...he was promoting a comic book called "Mantra."
The Mantra character had a chauvinistic male sorcerer's consciousness trapped inside a woman's body: something for everyone!
I'm wearing a rare Zetraman badge in this shot--see "We are ZETRAMAN?" for more info.

Me with Vampirella model Cathy Christian.
Who cares if she didn't look anything like the comic book character?

And, speaking of Vampi . . .
Here I am with my buddy Ken (left, visiting from England), and Vampirella's creator--Mr. Sci Fi himself--Forrest J. Ackerman.
As you can see, whether they're working in a recording studio, signing books,
or appearing at trade shows, celebrities really are just like us; haven't we all been gawked at, asked for our autographs, or had strangers ask to have our pictures taken with them?
Until next time, I'll be trawling the Lifestyles of the Rich and Infamous. . .
Your Masked Man on the Scene,Mr Maskrado